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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


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Grade of reviewers:  k-1  2-3  4-5  6-9 

All Titles

jami parkison Amazing Mallika
Todd Parr When Lightning Comes in a Jar
Todd Parr It's Okay to be Different
Todd Parr When Lightning Comes in a Jar
Todd Parr When Lightning Comes in a Jar
Janet B. Pascal Who Was Abraham Lincoln?
Francine Pascale Jessica's Monster Nightmare
Francine Pascale Sweet Valley Twins: Center of Attention
Lisa Pasen Grammy &Sammy
Stephan Pastis Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made
Stephan Pastis Timmy Failure:The Cat Stole My Pants
Katherine Paterson The King's Equal
Katherine Paterson Bridge to Terabithia
Katherine Paterson Bridge to Terabithia
Katherine Paterson Jacob Have I Loved
Katherine Paterson Bridge to Terabithia
Katherine Paterson Bridge to Terabithia
Katherine Paterson Bridge to Terabithia
Katherine Paterson Bridge to Terabithia
Katherine Paterson Bridge to Terabithia
Katherine Paterson Bridge to Terabithia
Katherine Paterson Bridge to Terabithia
Katherine Paterson Parzival
Katherine Paterson The King's Equal
David Patneaude Someone Was Watching
David Patneaude Deadly Drive
Leslie Patrice Yummy! Yucky!
Francine Patterson Koko's Kitten
J Patterson Middle School The Worse Years of My Life
J Patterson Middle School The Worse Years of My Life
James Patterson I totally funniest
James Patterson Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment
James Patterson Jacky Ha-Ha
James Patterson Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment
James Patterson Daniel X
James Patterson I Funny
James Patterson House of Robots
James Patterson Middle School Dog's Best Friend
James Patterson Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment
James Patterson Jacky Ha-Ha
Kathyrn Patterson The Great Gilly Hopkins
Kathyrn Patterson The Great Gilly Hopkins
Pat Patterson A Day in the Jungle
Jack Patton First Born
Ann Whitford Paul Manana Iguana
Ann Whitford Paul Manana Iguana
Kiev Paul Hocus Pocus
Gary Paulsen Hatchet
Gary Paulsen Hatchet
Gary Paulsen Hatchet
Gary Paulsen The River
Gary Paulsen Hatchet
Gary Paulsen Hatchet
Gary Paulsen The River
Gary Paulsen The Rifle
Gary Paulsen Hatchet
Gary Paulsen Tracker
Gary Paulsen Hatchet
Gary Paulsen Dogsong
Gary Paulsen Lawn Boy Returns
Gary Paulsen Woodsong
Gary Paulsen Harris and Me
Gary Paulsen Hatchet
Gary Paulsen Harris and Me
Gary Paulsen My Life in Dog Years
Gary Paulsen The Boy Who Owned the School
Gary Paulsen Hatchet
Gary Paulsen Brian's Winter
Gary Paulsen Hatchet
Gary Paulsen Grizzly
Gary Paulsen Hatchet
Gary Paulsen My Life in Dog Years
Gary Paulsen The River
Gary Paulsen Dogsong
Gary Paulsen Nightjohn
Gary Paulsen Harris and Me
Gary Paulsen Hatchet
Gary Paulsen Hatchet
Gary Paulsen The Haymeadow
Gary Paulsen Hatchet
Gary Paulsen Alida's Song
Gary Paulsen Hatchet
Gary Paulsen Mr. Tucket
Gary Paulsen Brian's Winter
Gary Paulsen Mr. Tucket
Gary Paulsen Soldier's Heart
Gary Paulsen Brian's Winter
Gary Paulsen Mr. Tucket
Gary Paulsen The Legend of Red Horse Cavern
Gary Paulsen Brian's Winter
Gary Paulsen Mr. Tucket
Gary Paulsen Hatchet
Gary Paulsen The Schernoff Discoveries
Gary Paulsen The Rifle
Gary Paulson Guts
Manjusha Pawagi The Girl Who Hated Books
Emma Payne Katy No Pocket
Emma Payne Katy No Pocket
Jackson Pearce Pip Bartlett's Guide to Magical Creatures
Q. L. Pearce Still More Scary Stories For Sleepovers
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