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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


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Grade of reviewers:  k-1  2-3  4-5  6-9 

All Titles

Dan Ya ccarino The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp
Dan Ya ccarino Bicycle for Sale
Dan Ya ccarino Hilda Hen's Scary Night
Masayuki Yabuuchi Whose Baby?
Masayuki Yabuuchi Fire Kids
Dan Yaccarino If I Had a Robot
Dan Yaccarino Unlovable
Kobi Yamada What Do You Do With a Chance?
Mitsu and Taro Yashima Momo's Kitten
Yasmin Bratz Keep'n it Real
Lisa Yee Aloha,Hawaii
Lisa Yee Kanani
Lisa Yee Kanani
Wong Yee Eek! There's a Mouse in the House
Wong Yee Mrs. Brown Went to Town
Wong Yee Mrs. Brown Went to Town
Wong Yee Eek! There's a Mouse in the House
Wong Yee Eek! There's a Mouse in the House
Wong Yee Eek! There's a Mouse in the House
Wong Yee Big Black Bear
Wong Herbert Yee A Small Christmas
Laurence Yep Dragonwings
Thomas F. Yezerski Together in the Pinecone Patch
Jane Yoen The Haunted House
Jane Yoen The Haunted House
Jane Yolan Beneath the Ghost Moon
Jane Yolen Owl Moon
Jane Yolen Comander Toad and the Space Pirates
Jane Yolen Welcome to the Ice House
Jane Yolen Commander Toad and the Voyage Home
Jane Yolen Commander Toad and the Planet of Grapes
Jane Yolen Dragon's Blood
Jane Yolen Comander Toad and the Space Pirates
Jane Yolen The Devil's Arithmetic
Jane Yolen How Do Dinosaurs Learn to Read?
Jane Yolen How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?
Jane Yolen Comander Toad and the Space Pirates
Jane Yolen Owl Moon
Arthur Yorinks Hey, Al
Arthur Yorinks Hey, Al
Arthur Yorinks Hey, Al
Arthur Yorinks HEY, AL !
Arthur Yorinks Hey, Al
Arthur Yorinks Hey, Al
Uchida Yoshiko The Rooster who Understood Japanese
Uchida Yoshiko The Rooster who Understood Japanese
Amy Young Belinda the Ballerina
Ed Young Lon Popo
Ed Young Seven Blind Mice
Ed Young Seven Blind Mice
Ed Young Lon Popo
James Young My Bunny
Karen Romano Young The Beetle and Me