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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


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Grade of reviewers:  k-1  2-3  4-5  6-9 

All Titles

D.J. Mac Hale The Bear's Bicycle
Grace MacCarone Mr. Rover Takes Over
Grace MacCarone The Haunting of Grade Three
Grace MacCarone The Haunting of Grade Three
Amy MacDonald Little Beaver and the Echo
Betty MacDonald Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Won't-Pick-Up-Toys Cure
Betty MacDonald Hello, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle
Betty MacDonald Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle
Betty MacDonald Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle
Betty MacDonald Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Farm
Marianne MacDonald Dragon for Sale
Niccolo Machiavelli White Fang
Niccolo Machiavelli White Fang
Niccolo Machiavelli White Fang
Niccolo Machiavelli White Fang
W.C. Mack Athlete Vs. Mathlete
W.C. Mack Athlete Vs. Mathlete
Patricia MacLachlan Sarah, Plain and Tall
Patricia MacLachlan White Fur Flying
Patricia MacLachlan White Fur Flying
Patricia MacLachlan Skylark
Patricia MacLachlan White Fur Flying
Patricia MacLachlan Arthur, for the Very First Time
Patricia MacLachlan Baby
Patricia MacLachlan All the Places to Love
Patricia MacLachlan All the Places to Love
Patricia MacLachlan Sarah, Plain and Tall
Patricia MacLachlan Sarah, Plain and Tall
Patricia MacLachlan Skylark
Patricia MacLachlan Sarah, Plain and Tall
Patricia MacLachlan Seven Kisses in a Row
Patricia MacLachlan Waiting for the Magic
Patricia MacLachlan Waiting for the Magic
Patricia MacLachlan Waiting for the Magic
Carolyn MacLulich Snakes #2
Jake Maddox Paintball Blast
Jake Maddox Team Jake Maddox, Win or Lose
Jake Maddox Snowboard Duel
Jake Maddox Soccer Surprise
Jake Maddox Shipwreck
Madonna The English Roses
Madonna The English Roses
Madonna The English Roses
Trisha Magraw Downhill Megan
Margaret Mahy Beautiful Pig
Margaret Mahy The Boy Who Was Followed Home
Mike Maihack Cleopatra in Space
Barbara Maitland The Bear Who Didn't Like Honey
Barbara Maitland The Bear Who Didn't Like Honey
Stephen Manes How to Make Four Million Dollars by Next Thursday
Stephen Manes Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days
Matthew Manning Batman Gotham City's Guardian
Kay Manolis Ramps
Fran Manushkin The Shivers in the Fridge
Fred Marcellino I, Crocodile
Fred Marcellino I, Crocodile
Carolyn Mardsen The Gold-Threaded Dress
Sharon Bokoske Margaret Davidson Dolphins
Sharon Bokoske Margaret Davidson Dolphins
Sharon Bokoske Margaret Davidson Dolphins
Lundell Margo Hercules Friends and Foes
Rey Margret Curious George Goes to the Aquarium
Rey Margret Curious George Goes to the Aquarium
Cyndi Marko Kung Pow Chicken Hero on the Side
Patricia Maloney Markun The Little Painter of Sabana Grande
Johanna Maron The Secret Valentine
Laura Marsh Koalas: National Geographic Readers
Laura Marsh Red Panda
Edward Marshall Fox All Week
Edward Marshall Fox In Trouble
Edward Marshall Fox in Love
Edward Marshall Fox in Love
Edward Marshall Three by the Sea
Edward Marshall Fox on Wheels
Edward Marshall Fox and His Friends
James Marshall Miss Nelson is Missing
James Marshall Miss Nelson Has a Field Day
James Marshall Miss Nelson is Missing
James Marshall Miss Nelson is Missing
James Marshall Miss Nelson is Missing
James Marshall Miss Nelson is Missing
James Marshall Miss Nelson is Missing
James Marshall Miss Nelson is Missing
James Marshall Miss Nelson is Back
James Marshall Miss Nelson is Back
James Marshall George and Martha
James Marshall Miss Nelson is Missing
James Marshall Miss Nelson Has a Field Day
James Marshall Miss Nelson Has a Field Day
James Marshall Miss Nelson is Missing
James Marshall George and Martha Rise and Shine
James Marshall Goldilocks and the Three Bears (J.M.)
James Marshall Miss Nelson Has a Field Day
James Marshall Fox on the Job
James Marshall The Three Little Pigs (retold)
James Marshall Fox Be Nimble
Ann M Martin The Doll People
Ann M Martin The Babysitters Club Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls
Ann M Martin Baby Sitter's Club: Mary Anne Saves the Day
Ann M Martin The Babysitter's Club: The Truth About Stacey
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