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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


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Grade of reviewers:  k-1  2-3  4-5  6-9 

All Titles

Judith S. George Seals & Sea Lions
Judith S. George So You Want to Be President?
Judith S. George Goldilocks & The Three Bears
Judith S. George The Box Jellyfish
Judith S. George The Box Jellyfish
Judith S. George Goldilocks & The Three Bears
Louis Sachar Sideways Stories from Wayside School
Louis Sachar Marvin Redpost, the Magic Crystal
Louis Sachar Marvin Redpost, the Magic Crystal
Louis Sachar Marvin Redpost: Alone In His Teacher's House
Louis Sachar Marvin Redpost: Alone In His Teacher's House
Louis Sachar Marvin Redpost Super Fast, Out of Control!
Louis Sachar Marvin Redpost A Flying Birthday Cake?
Louis Sachar Marvin Redpost Kidnapped At Birth
Louis Sachar Marvin Redpost, Class President
Louis Sachar Marvin Redpost
Louis Sachar There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom
Louis Sachar Wayside School is Falling Down
Louis Sachar Marvin Redpost, Is He a Girl?
Louis Sachar Marvin Redpost: Is He A Girl?
Louis Sachar Wayside School is Falling Down
Louis Sachar Holes
Louis Sachar Sixth Grade Secrets
Louis Sachar Marvin Redpost: Alone In His Teacher's House
Louis Sachar Holes
Louis Sachar Marvin Redpost: Alone In His Teacher's House
Louis Sachar There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom
Louis Sachar Marvin Redpost: Alone In His Teacher's House
Louis Sachar There's A Boy In The Girl's Bathroom
Louis Sachar Wayside School Gets A Little Stranger
Louis Sachar Wayside School Gets A Little Stranger
Louis Sachar Wayside School
Louis Sachar Marvin Redpost, Kidnapped at Birth?
Louis Sachar Sideways Stories from Wayside School
Louis Sachar Sideways Stories from Wayside School
Louis Sachar Holes
Antonio Sacre The Barking Mouse
Marilyn Sadler Honey Bunny Funnybunny
Marilyn Sadler It's Not Easy Being a Bunny!
John Saeszka Summer Reading is Killing Me
John Saeszka Summer Reading is Killing Me
John Saeszka Summer Reading is Killing Me
John Saeszka Summer Reading is Killing Me
John Saeszka Summer Reading is Killing Me
John Saeszka Summer Reading is Killing Me
John Saeszka Summer Reading is Killing Me
Angi Sage Kidnapped at the Capital
Angi Sage Kidnapped at the Capital
Angi Sage Kidnapped at the Capital
Angi Sage Kidnapped at the Capital
Gustavo Sainy Frida Kahlo
Dianne K. Salerni The Eighth Day
Graham Salisbury Night of the Howling Dogs
Graham Salisbury Calvin Coconut: The Zippy Fix
Barney Saltzberg crazy Hair Day
Barney Saltzberg crazy Hair Day
David Saltzman The Jester Has Lost His Jingle
R.A. Salvatore Star Wars - Episode II - Attack of the Clones
R.A. Salvatore Star Wars - Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Robert San Souci Nicholas Pipe
Robert San Souci The Talking Eggs
Mary Sandel Jack and the Beanstalk (LLI)
Dan Santat After the Fall - How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again
Sylvester Sanzari The King of Pizza
Jill Sardegna The Roly Poly Spider
Dave Sargent Lennie Leopard
Julia L. Sauer The Light At Tern Rock
Catherine Saunders Spider-Man: The Amazing Story
Allen Say Grandfather's Journey
Allen Say Grandfather's Journey
Allen Say Tea With Milk
Kurtis Scaletta Jinxed!
Bronwen Scarffe The Worrisome Wombat
Bronwen Scarffe The Worrisome Wombat
Bronwen Scarffe The Worrisome Wombat
Bronwen Scarffe The Worrisome Wombat
Bronwen Scarffe The Worrisome Wombat
Bronwen Scarffe The Worrisome Wombat
Bronwen Scarffe The Worrisome Wombat
Bronwen Scarffe The Worrisome Wombat
Bronwen Scarffe Hairy, Scary, Ordinary What Is An Adjective?
Bronwen Scarffe The Worrisome Wombat
Bronwen Scarffe The Worrisome Wombat
Bronwen Scarffe The Worrisome Wombat
Bronwen Scarffe The Worrisome Wombat
Bronwen Scarffe The Worrisome Wombat
Bronwen Scarffe The Worrisome Wombat
Francis Scasimo Horrid Henry’s Monster Movie
Augusta Scattergood Glory Be
Augusta Scattergood Glory Be
Augusta Scattergood Glory Be
Judy Schachner Skippyjon Jones Cirque de Ole
Judy Schachner Skippyjon Jones in Mummy Trouble
Judy Schachner Skippyjon Jones
Judy Schachner Skippyjon Jones
Susan Schade Toad Takes Off
Lola Schaefer This is the Rain
Lola Schaefer Pocahontas
Mindy Schanback Does Third Grade Last Forever?
Mindy Schanback Does Third Grade Last Forever?
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