Marvin Redpost
Written by Louis Sachar
Illustrated by Barbara Sullivan
Reviewed by R.K. (age 8)

Has your teacher ever asked you to take care of her pet? How weird! When Marvin Redpost’s teacher has to go to a meeting for a week, she asks him to take care of her dog Waldo. When Marvin is watching Waldo, he isn’t eating his dog food. So what’s happened to him? It’s your job to find out what happened to Waldo. Will he starve to death? You’ll have to read the book to find that out. Here’s a hint: The teacher says to Marvin, “It was unfair of me to ask you to take care of such and old -.....”
I think this book is interesting because it keeps a secret from the reader and reveals it at the end. My favorite character is Marvin. I like Marvin because he is just a normal kid like me. I liked this book because I like dogs and it has a lot of things that have to do with dogs. My favorite part of the book was when Marvin calls the vet because he lost Waldo.
I think people in second and third grade should read this book. This book is not too long or too short, perfect when you forget your longer book at home. I give this book 4 1/2 stars out of 5 because it has really descriptive writing.