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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


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Grade of reviewers:  k-1  2-3  4-5  6-9 

All Titles

Grace MacCarone Cars! Cars! Cars!
Grace MacCarone Soccer Game!
Grace MacCarone Real Robots
Grace MacCarone The Class Trip
Grace MacCarone Itchy Itchy Chicken Pox
Grace MacCarone Itchy Itchy Chicken Pox
Grace MacCarone The Class Trip
Grace MacCarone I Shop with My Daddy
Carolyn MacLulich Kangaroos
Sue Macy Barbie Shooting Hoops
Giulio Maestro Raft of Riddles
Margaret Mahy The Seven Chinese Brothers
Margaret Mahy The Great White Man Eating Shark
Pamela Mann The Frog Princess
Fran Manushkin Pedro
Edward Marshall Fox in Love
James Marshall Hansel and Gretel
James Marshall Miss Nelson is Missing
James Marshall Red Riding Hood
James Marshall Miss Nelson Has a Field Day
James Marshall The Three Little Pigs (retold)
James Marshall Red Riding Hood
Lisa Marsoli My Best Friend is Cinderella
Ann M. Martin The Babysitters Club #59 Mallory Hates Boys (and Gym)
Bill Martin Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Bill Martin Chicka Chicka, Boom Boom
Bill Martin Chicka Chicka 123
Bill Martin Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Bill Martin Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Bill Martin Chicka Chicka, Boom Boom
Bill Martin Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Bill Martin Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Bill Martin Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Bill Martin Chicka Chicka ABC
Bill Martin Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Bill Martin Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
John Martin The Day in The life of a Carpenter
Ana Martin Larranaga The Big, Wide-Mouthed Frog
Bill Martin, Jr. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Bill Martin, Jr. The Happy Hippopotami
Bill Martin, Jr. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Bill Martin, Jr. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Bill Martin, Jr. Here Are My Hands
Jean Marzollo Sun Song
Jean Marzollo Basketball Buddies
Jean Marzollo Shanna's Princess Show
Jean Marzollo I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles
Jean Marzollo I Spy Fantasy: A Book of Riddles
Jean Marzollo Sun Song
Diane Redfield Massie The Baby BeeBee Bird
Joanne Mattern Young Martin Luther King, Jr., "I Have a Dream"
Mercer Mayer Me Too!
Mercer Mayer Just Me and My Puppy
Mercer Mayer Just Me and My Friend
Mercer Mayer All By Myself
Mercer Mayer What a Bad Dream
Mercer Mayer Just Go To Bed
Mercer Mayer There's an Alligator Under My Bed
Mercer Mayer A Monster Followed Me to School
Mercer Mayer I'm Sorry
Mercer Mayer There's A Nightmare In My Closet
Mercer Mayer Just a Mess
Mercer Mayer There's a Nightmare in My Closet
Mercer Mayer I Was So Mad
Mercer Mayer Just Me and My Cousin
Mercer Mayer There's A Nightmare In My Closet
Mercer Mayer Just Go To Bed
Mercer Mayer Just Going to the Dentist
Mercer Mayer Just Go To Bed
Mercer Mayer Me Too!
Mercer Mayer There's A Nightmare In My Closet
Mercer Mayer There's A Nightmare In My Closet
Mercer Mayer Just For You
Mercer Mayer I Just Forgot
Anne Mazer The Amazing Days of Abby Hayes
Lisa Mc Court Merry Christmas Stinky Face
Sam McBratney The Dark at the Top of the Stairs
Sam McBratney Guess How Much I Love You
Sam McBratney Guess How Much I Love You
Barbara McClintock Molly and the Magic Wishbone
Robert McCloskey Blueberries for Sal
Robert McCloskey Make Way for Ducklings
Emily McCully Monk Camps Out
Gerald McDermott Arrow to the Sun
Megan McDonald Judy Moody Was in a Mood. Not a Good Mood. A Bad Mood.
Megan McDonald Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid
Megan McDonald Judy Moody Predicts the Future
Donna McDuff Chicken Pox!
Marni McGee Forest Child
Ann McGovern Stone Soup
Sean McKeever Spiderman Rush Hour
Valjean McLenighan You Can Go Jump
Valjean McLenighan What You See Is What You Get
Margaret McNamara One Hundred Days (Plus One)
Colin McNaughton Oops!
Colin McNaughton Oops!
David McPhail Edward and the Pirates
David McPhail Pig Pig Grows Up
David McPhail Edward in the Jungle
David McPhail Pigs Aplenty, Pigs Galore!
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