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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


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Grade of reviewers:  k-1  2-3  4-5  6-9 

All Titles

Joan Harlow Shadows on the Sea
Joan Harlow Star in the Storm
Amanda Harman Nature's Children: Scorpions
Cheryl Harness Three Young Pilgrims
Cheryl Harness Ghosts of the Civil War
Charise Harper The Invisible Mistakecase
Isabelle Harper My Dog Rosie
Jessica Harper Nora's Room
Jane Harrington Lucy's Completely Cool and Totaly True E-Journal
Jane Harrington Lucy's Completely Cool and Totaly True E-Journal
Jane Harrington Lucy's Completely Cool and Totaly True E-Journal
Mark-Wayne Harris The Action Files
Richard Harris Owlbert
Richard Harris The Sun and Other Stars
Wayne Harris Judy and the Volcano
David Harrison Wake Up, Sun!
Paul Harrison Attack of The Giant Hamster
Alison Hart A Spy on the Home Front
Alison Hart A Spy on the Home Front
Alison Hart Danger at the Wild West Show
Alison Hart Rescue: A Police Story
Alison Hart Rescue: A Police Story
George Hart Ancient Egypt
Wendy Hartman The Dinosaurs are Back and It's All Your Fault Edward!
Jayne Harvey Great-Uncle Dracula
Johanna Harwitz Nora and Mrs. Mind-Your-Own-Business
Deborah Hautzig Little Witch Goes to School
Deborah Hautzig Little Witch Goes to School
Deborah Hautzig Happy Mother's Day!
Deborah Hautzig Happy Birthday Little Witch
Deborah Hautzig The Nutcracker Ballet
Judy Hawes Fireflies in the Night
Tony Hawk Tony Hawk
Geoffrey Hayes The Mystery of the Pirate Ghost
Geoffrey Hayes The Mystery of the Pirate Ghost
Linda Hayward A Day in the Life of a Firefighter
Linda Hayward A Day in the Life of a Police Officer
Carolyn Haywood Summer Fun
Barbara Shook Hazen That Toad is Mine!
Barbara Shook Hazen Tight Times
Christopher Healy The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom
Betsy Hearne Wishes kisses and pigs
Betsy Hearne Wishes, Kisses, and Pigs
Joan Heilbroner Tom the TV Cat
Deborah Heiligman From Caterpillar to Butterfly
Helme Heine Friends
Kathryn Heling Mouse's Hide and Seek Words
Kathryn Heling Quisiera tener lentes como Rosa/ I Wish I Had Glasses Like Rosa
Kathryn Heling Quisiera tener lentes como Rosa/ I Wish I Had Glasses Like Rosa
M. C. Helldorfer Sailing to the Sea
Sarah Heller Pokemon: The Snubbull Blues
Sarah Heller Cinderella The mice save the day
Sarah Heller Disney's Princess Collection, "Sleeping Beauty"
Mary Jean Hendrick If Anything Ever Goes Wrong at the Zoo
Diana Hendry The Very Busy Day
Kevin Henkes Chrysanthemum
Kevin Henkes Owen
Kevin Henkes Lily's Purple Plastic Purse
Kevin Henkes Chrysanthemum
Kevin Henkes Chester's Way
Kevin Henkes Chrysanthemum
Kevin Henkes Wemberly Worried
Kevin Henkes Chrysanthemum
Kevin Henkes Chester's Way
Kevin Henkes Sheila Rae, The Brave
Kevin Henkes Penny and Her Doll
Kevin Henkes Sheila Rae, The Brave
Kevin Henkes Wemberly Worried
Kevin Henkes Penny and her Marble
Kevin Henkes Sheila Rae, The Brave
Kevin Henkes Julius, The Baby of the World
Kevin Henkes Julius, The Baby of the World
Kevin Henkes Chrysanthemum
Kevin Henkes Chrysanthemum
Kevin Henkes Chrysanthemum
Kevin Henkes Wemberly Worried
Kevin Henkes Chester's Way
Kevin Henkes Wemberly Worried
Kevin Henkes Lily's Purple Plastic Purse
Kevin Henkes Julius, The Baby of the World
Kevin Henkes A Weekend with Wendell
Kevin Henkes Wemberly Worried
Kevin Henkes Chester's Way
Kevin Henkes Wemberly Worried
Kevin Henkes Chrysanthemum
Kevin Henkes Wemberly Worried
Kevin Henkes A Weekend with Wendell
Kevin Henkes Chester's Way
Kevin Henkes Lily's Purple Plastic Purse
Kevin Henkes A Weekend with Wendell
Kevin Henkes Chester's Way
Kevin Henkes Chrysanthemum
Kevin Henkes Chrysanthemum
Kevin Henkes Chrysanthemum
Kevin Henkes Chrysanthemum
Kevin Henkes Julius, The Baby of the World
Kevin Henkes Chrysanthemum
Kevin Henkes Chester's Way
Kevin Henkes Julius, The Baby of the World
Kevin Henkes Lily's Purple Plastic Purse
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