Sheila Rae, The Brave
Written by Kevin Henkes
Illustrated by Kevin Henkes
Reviewed by Henry C. (age 11)

This book is about a mouse named Sheila Rae. She is not afraid of anything. She is very brave. One day Sheila's sister thought that there was a monster in the closet. Sheila told her sister that she would attack the monster to scare her sister.
Another thing that Sheila Rae does that is brave is ride her bike with no hands. That is brave. This book is good because it show's how Sheila is brave. Another thing Sheila does to be brave is that she steps on the crack in the sidewalk. There's one moment were Sheila Rae doesn't act so brave. You have to read the book to find out.
This book is really good because it shows how things happen and the way it happens. Sheila Rae does things to act brave. My favorite part was when Sheila Rae rode her bike with no hands because almost everyone in the world can't do that. Sheila's sister, Louise, is a mouse who is a character that I liked because she is the opposite of Sheila Rae. She is scared of everything. I really recommend this book because it is intense to read it and that's why I like it. Another reason way I really recommend this book is because there is a lesson to it. The lesson is every one is scared of something. Even Sheila Rae is scared of something but you have to read this really good to find out what happens to Sheila Rae at the end the story. I would recommend this book to people who like to be brave and to people who are scared of every thing. I think that they would learn an important lesson from the book-that you can be brave and you can be scared too.