If Anything Ever Goes Wrong at the Zoo
Written by Mary Jean Hendrick
Illustrated by Jane Dyer
Reviewed by G.H. (age 6) & V.R. (age 6)

This book is about a little girl named Leslie. She goes to the zoo every Saturday. She loves animals and she loves being at the zoo. She tells all the zoo keepers that if anything ever goes wrong at the zoo the animals can go to her house on top of the hill. You need to read this book to find out what happens at Leslie's house when something does go wrong at the zoo.
We liked the illustrations in this book because the animals look real. We also loved the story. It reminded me (G.H.) of when I went to the zoo and got a toy monkey. I reminded me (V.R.) of when I went to the zoo and pet a goat. We don't know what we would do if the animals at the zoo came to our houses though!
People should read this book because it is silly. Teachers would like to read this book to their class because kids like animals and the zoo.