Nora's Room
Written by Jessica Harper
Illustrated by Lindsay Harper duPont
Reviewed by Welly E. (age 9), Nijah T. (age 8), Reggie H. (age 8) & Donte J. (age 9)

This book is about Nora and her messy room. She makes noises like ?Crash Bang Boom?. The big idea of the book is that Nora is making a lot of noise and her family is asking ?What?s going on in Nora?s room?? The family makes lots of guesses about what the noises might be and here are some of them:
1. Sounds like boys and sounds like girls. 2. Sounds like the whole zoo got freed. 3. Sounds like a bear is dancing with a moose. 4. Sounds like hippos at a hippo hop. 5. Sounds like when you pick up a piano and you let it drop. 6. Sounds like 16 pumpkins falling off a truck. 7. Sounds like a couple of gorillas playing duck, duck, duck. 8. Sounds like the London Bridge is really falling down!
Eventually Nora?s parents come upstairs and ask Nora what?s going on in her room. Find out for yourself what was making the Crash, Bang, Boom.
Donte thinks the book Nora?s Room is a wonderful book because he enjoyed the illustrations and the book reminded him of a comic book, so it made it more fun to read.
This book reminds Nijah and Reggie of when their rooms were a mess like Nora?s.
We think the book has great pictures and that the author is super!
We recommend Nora?s Room to all children who have messy rooms and who like funny and easy-to-read books. The illustrations are interesting and wonderful because they seem so realistic. We recommend this book to people who love art and noise, and to animal lovers and people with a good imagination.