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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


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Grade of reviewers:  k-1  2-3  4-5  6-9 

All Titles

Patricia Polacco For the Love of Autumn
Patricia Polacco For the Love of Autumn
Patricia Polacco Babushka's Doll
Patricia Polacco My Rotten Red-Headed Older Brother
Patricia Polacco Mr. Lincoln's Way
Patricia Polacco Fiona's Lace
Patricia Polacco Chicken Sunday
Patricia Polacco Thunder Cake
Patricia Polacco For the Love of Autumn
Patricia Polacco Aunt Chip an the Triple Creek Dam Affair
Patricia Polacco My Rotten Red-Headed Older Brother
Patricia Polacco My Rotten Red Headed Older Brother
Patricia Polacco Pink and Say
Patricia Polacco Thank You Mr. Falker
Patricia Polacco Babushka
Patricia Polacco Thank You Mr. Falker
Patricia Polacco The Keeping Quilt
Patricia Polacco Chicken Sunday
Patricia Polacco Pink and Say
Patricia Polacco Thank You, Mr. Falker
Patricia Polacco Thunder Cake
Patricia Polacco Bully
Patricia Polacco Thank You, Mr. Falker
Patricia Polacco Mrs. Katz and Tush
Patricia Polacco For the Love of Autumn
Patricia Polacco Chicken Sunday
Patricia Polacco My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother
Patricia Polacco Thunder Cake
Patricia Polacco Thank You, Mr. Falker
Patricia Polacco Bully
Patricia Polacco Thunder Cake
Patricia Polacco Babushka's Doll
Patricia Polacco The Keeping Quilt
Patricia Polacco My Ol' Man
Patricia Polacco Thank You, Mr. Falker
Patricia Polacco For the Love of Autumn
Patricia Polacco Fiona's Lace
Patricia Polacco Babushka's Doll
Patricia Polacco The Bee Tree
Patricia Polacco Thank You, Mr. Falker
Patricia Polacco Thunder Cake
Patricia Polacco Some Birthday
Patricia Polacco The Keeping Quilt
Patricia Polacco Mrs. Mack
Patricia Polacco My Rotten Red Headed Older Brother
Patricia Polacco Thank You Mr. Falker
Patricia Polacco Bully
Patricia Polacco Chicken Sunday
Patricia Polacco Mr. Lincoln's Way
Patricia Polacco The Junkyard Wonders
Patricia Polacco Mr. Lincoln's Way
Patricia Polacco Thunder Cake
Patricia Polacco My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother
Patricia Polacco For the Love of Autumn
Patricia Polacco Bully
Patricia Polacco For the Love of Autumn
Patricia Polacco Betty Doll
Patricia Polacco For the Love of Autumn
Patricia Polacco My Rotten Red Headed Older Brother
Patricia Polacco Thank You, Mr. Falker
Patricia Polacco Pink and Say
Patricia Polacco For the Love of Autumn
Patricia Polacco Babushka Baba Yaga
Patricia Polacco Mrs. Katz and Tush
Patricia Polacco My Ol' Man
Patricia Polacco My Ol' Man
Patricia Polacco Mr. Lincoln's Way
Marisa Polansky Hello, My Name Is . . .: How Adorabilis Got His Name
Pam Pollack Who Was J.R.R Tolkien
Pam Pollack Ponies
Madeleine Polland Beorn the Proud
Lauren Ray Pollard John Muir: Making the Mountains Glad
Penny Pollock When The Moon is Full
Maria Polushkin Mother, Mother, I Want Another
Maria Polushkin Mother, Mother, I Want Another
Tim Polzer Tim Tebow: Always a Hero
Charlotte Pomerantz Outside Dog
Charlotte Pomerantz The Birthday Letters
Charlote Pomeranz The Outside Dog
Charlote Pomeranz The Outside Dog
Josephine Poole Snow White
Josephine Poole Snow White
Josephine Poole Snow White
Mary Pope Magic Tree House--Tiger at Twilight
Mary Pope The Magic Tree House: Abe Lincoln at Last!
Mary Pope Magic Tree House--Tiger at Twilight
Mary Pope Magic Tree House--Tiger at Twilight
Mary Pope Osborne Magic Treehouse: Afternoon in the Amazon
Mary Pope Osborne Magic Treehouse: Afternoon in the Amazon
Mary Pope Osborne Tonight on the Titanic
Mary Pope Osborne Magic Tree House Good Morning Gorillas
Mary Pope Osborne Tonight on the Titanic
Mary Pope Osborne Tonight on the Titanic
Mary Pope Osborne Magic Treehouse: Afternoon in the Amazon
Mary Pope Osborne Magic Treehouse: Afternoon in the Amazon
Mary Pope Osborne Tonight on the Titanic
Mary Pope Osborne Tonight on the Titanic
Mary Pope Osborne Magic Treehouse: Afternoon in the Amazon
Mary Pope Osborne Magic Treehouse: Afternoon in the Amazon
Mary Pope Osborne Tonight on the Titanic
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