1 Babushka Baba Yaga

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Babushka Baba Yaga

Written by Patricia Polacco

Illustrated by Patricia Polacco

Reviewed by Malia D. (age 8)

Babushka Baba Yaga

Has your mom or grandma ever told you a scary legend? Did you have nightmares? Could you fall asleep? In the little village in Russia the Babushkas, grandmothers, tell their little children legends about the scary and ugly creature called baba yaga. In the deep deep woods lived baba yaga. baba yaga goes close to the village and herd the babushkas talking about her. They were talking about her long nails and messy hair. So baba Yaga dressed up like a babushka. She found a child but not to hurt him but to take care of him. She does not want to hurt children she really wants to take care of them and to babushka too. But one day She heard the other grandmothers talking to the children about how evil she is. She decided to walked back to the deep deep woods. Will she ever come back?

One reason this is a great book is that it is full of legends and fairy tales. I like fairy tales and legends from other countries. It was really interesting to learn about other countries stories. Another reason this is a great book is because it teaches that you should not be rude to people just because their different. In the book, the babushka were talking about here just because she was different but in the inside she is good. another reason it is is a great book because I really, and like Patricia Polacco books and this is my favorite book of hers.

If you like other Patricia Polacco books, like me, you will love this book. I think both boys and girls will love this book Because it is an everybody book about kindness. You would also like this book if you like fairy tales and legends I love this book I think you will love it too.