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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


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Grade of reviewers:  k-1  2-3  4-5  6-9 

All Titles

Marguerite de Angeli The Door in the Wall
Hans de Beer Little Polar Bear
Hans de Beer Little Polar Bear
Hans de Beer Little Polar Bear, Take Me Home!
Hans de Beer The Little Polar Bear and the Brave Hare
Sarah De Capua Niagara Falls
Camilla de la Bedoyere Scary Sharks
Melissa de la Cruz Return to the Isle of the Lost
Tomie de Paola Here We All Are
Tomie de Paola Bill and Pete Go Down the Nile
Tomie de Paola The Hole in the Dike
Tomie de Paola Andy
Tomie de Paola Country Angel Christmas
Tomie de Paola Andy
Tomie de Paola Here We All Are
Tomie de Paola Bill and Pete Go Down the Nile
Tomie de Paola Bill and Pete Go Down the Nile
Shane De Rolf The Crayon Box That Talked
Shane De Rolf The Crayon Box That Talked
Erin Dealey Goldie Locks has Chicken Pox
Barthe DeClements Nothing's Fair in Fifth Grade
Barthe DeClements Liar Liar
Barthe DeClements Nothing's Fair in Fifth Grade
Barthe DeClements Nothing's Fair in Fifth Grade
Barthe DeClements Nothing's Fair in Fifth Grade
Carmen Agra Deedy The Library Dragon
James Deem The Very Real Ghost Book of Christina Rose
Cynthia DeFelice The Ghost of Fossil Glen
Cynthia DeFelice The Ghost of Fossil Glen
Cynthia DeFelice Devil's Bridge
Cynthia DeFelice The Ghost of Fossil Glen
Daniel DeFoe Robinson Crusoe
Daniel DeFoe Robinson Crusoe
Diane deGroat Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet
Diane deGroat Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink
Diane deGroat Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink
Dana del Prado Terror Below!
Joseph Delany The Last Apprentice
Judy Delton My Mom Made Me Go to School
Judy Delton Pee Wees On Skis
Judy Delton Pee Wees On Skis
Judy Delton Book Worm Buddies
Judy Delton Pee Wee Scouts Camp Ghost Away
Judy Delton Pee Wee Scouts: Eggs with Legs
Judy Delton Back Yard Angel
Julie Delton Pee Wee Scouts: Spring Sprouts
Julie Delton Pee Wee Scouts: Sky Babies
Julie Delton Angel in Charge
Dom DeLuise Charlie the Caterpillar
Drue DeMatteis The Undersea Adventures of Digby Dolphin
Drue DeMatteis The Undersea Adventures of Digby Dolphin
Lisa DeMauro The Wild Fire
Matt Dembick Trickster
Demi The Emperor's New Clothes
Demi The Greatest Treasure
Demi The Emperor's New Clothes
Patricia Demuth Way Down Deep
Barry Denenberg Early Sunday Morning
Barry Denenberg The Journal of Ben Uchida
Barry Denenberg The Journal of Ben Uchida
Barry Denenberg When Will this Cruel War Be Over?
Sue Denim The Dumb Bunnies' Easter
Sharon Dennis Wyeth Something Beautiful
Sharon Dennis Wyeth Something Beautiful
Sharon Dennis Wyeth Something Beautiful
Sharon Dennis Wyeth Something Beautiful
Sharon Dennis Wyeth Something Beautiful
Sharon Dennis Wyeth Something Beautiful
Sharon Dennis Wyeth Something Beautiful
Terry Denton The School for Laughter
Terry Denton Wombat and Fox
Tomie dePaola Oliver Button is a Sissy
Tomie dePaola Strega Nona's Magic Lessons
Tomie dePaola Jamie O'Rourke and the Big Potato
Tomie dePaola The Legend of the Blue Bonnet
Tomie dePaola Tom
Tomie dePaola Oliver Button is a Sissy
Tomie dePaola The Knight and the Dragon
Tomie dePaola Tom
Tomie dePaola The Baby Sister
Tomie dePaola The Baby Sister
Tomie dePaola The Legend of the Blue Bonnet
Tomie dePaola Strega Nona
Tomie dePaola The Legend of the Blue Bonnet
Tomie dePaola Strega Nona
Tomie dePaola The Art Lesson
Tomie dePaola The Quilt Story
Tomie dePaola Strega Nona
Tomie dePaola Strega Nona
Tomie dePaola Strega Nona
Tomie dePaola Tom
Tomie dePaola Merry Christmas Strega Nona
Tomie dePaola The Knight and the Dragon
Tomie dePaola The Legend of the Blue Bonnet
Tomie dePaola Strega Nona
Tomie dePaola The Clown of God
Tomie dePaola Tony's Bread
Tomie dePaola Strega Nona
Tomie dePaola Marianna May and Nursey
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