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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


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Grade of reviewers:  k-1  2-3  4-5  6-9 

All Titles

Greg Trine Melvin Beederman Superhero the Revenge of the McNasty Brothers
Greg Trine Melvin Beederman Superhero the Revenge of the McNasty Brothers
Greg Trine Melvin Beederman Superhero the Revenge of the McNasty Brothers
Greg Trine Melvin Beederman Curse of the Bologna Sandwich
Greg Trine Melvin Beederman Curse of the Bologna Sandwich
Greg Trine Melvin Beederman Superhero the Revenge of the McNasty Brothers
Greg Trine Melvin Beederman Superhero the Revenge of the McNasty Brothers
Greg Trine Melvin Beederman Curse of the Bologna Sandwich
Greg Trine Melvin Beederman Superhero the Revenge of the McNasty Brothers
Greg Trine Melvin Beederman Curse of the Bologna Sandwich
Greg Trine Melvin Beederman Curse of the Bologna Sandwich
Greg Trine Melvin Beederman Superhero Terror in Tights
Valerie Tripp Happy Birthday, Samantha
Valerie Tripp Josephina's Surprise
Valerie Tripp Samantha Saves The Day
Valerie Tripp Happy Birthday, Samantha
Valerie Tripp Molly Saves the Day
Valerie Tripp Happy Birthday Molly
Valerie Tripp Happy Birthday, Samantha
Valerie Tripp Wellie Wishers: The Riddle of the Robin
Valerie Tripp Happy Birthday Molly
Valerie Tripp Molly's Surprise
Valerie Tripp Meet Molly
Valerie Tripp Iguana
Valerie Tripp Josephina's Surprise
Valerie Tripp Again Josefina
Valerie Tripp Felicity Saves the Day
Valerie Tripp Josefina Saves the Day
Valerie Tripp Changes for Molly
Valerie Tripp Happy Birthday, Josefina!
Tracy Trivas The Wish Stealers
Tracy Trivas The Wish Stealers
Tracy Trivas The Wish Stealers
Tracy Trivas The Wish Stealers
Eugene Trivizas The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig
Eugene Trivizas The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig
Eugene Trivizas The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig
Eugene Trivizas The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig
Eugene Trivizas The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig
Joe Troiano The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin
Joanna Troughton Mouse Deer's Market
Antoinette Truglio Martin Famous Seaweed Soup
Yukio Tsuchiya Faithful Elephants
Gail Tuchman The Three Little Pigs, a retelling
Gail Tuchman Safari
Michael Tunnell Mailing May
Sheila Turnage Three Times Lucky
Sheila Turnage Three Times Lucky
Ann Turner Dust for Dinner
Ann Turner Dust for Dinner
Pamela Turner Hachiko
Tricia Tusa Maebelle's Suitcase
Stan Tusan Who Will Be My Pet
Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleburry Finn
Mark Twain The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Mark Twain The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Mark Twain The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Mark Twain The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Mark Twain, condensed and adapted by W.T. Robinson The Adventures of Tom Sawyer #2
Amy Tyler Best Dad In The Sea
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