Famous Seaweed Soup
Written by Antoinette Truglio Martin
Illustrated by Nadine Bernard Westcott
Reviewed by Samantha W. (age 5)

A girl named Sara is making seaweed soup. She got water from the ocean and other stuff to make seaweed soup. She was searching for stinky stuff to go in her soup. When Sara was making the soup, she found some blue glass.
I liked when the girl was searching at the beach for all the things to go in her soup. It was nice when the mom was reading her own book.
Sara was my favorite character in the story. I like that she could make the soup all by herself.
I really, really like the pictures. I liked seeing all the things you can find at the beach.
I think kids would like this book. The baby makes funny noises. Sara shows her family she can do a lot of things herself. It reminds me how I can do lots of things myself.
(This review was dictated to the teacher.)