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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


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Grade of reviewers:  k-1  2-3  4-5  6-9 

All Titles

Ellen Miles Puppy Place Bear
Ellen Miles Mutley
Judy Miller The Vampire Named Murray
A .A. Milne The House at Pooh Corner
Kelly Milner Halls Tales of the Cryptids
Terry Minsky When Mom's Attack!
Anne Miranda How Do They Do That?
Len Mlodinow Kids of Einstein Elementary and the Titanic Cat
Sarah Mlynowski Whatever After: Dream On
Sarah Mlynowski Whatever after Fairest of all
Sarah Mlynowski If the Shoe fits
Sarah Mlynowski Whatever After: Sink or Swim
Ken Mochizuki Baseball Saved Us
Marisa Montes Get Ready for Gabi
L.M. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables
L.M. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables
L.M. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables
R. A. Montgomery Choose Your Own Adventure: The Race Forever
Sy Montgomery The Snake Scientist
E.S. Mooney The Scary Princess
Elaine Moore Get That Girl Out of The Boy's Locker Room!
Ulysses Moore The Door to Time
Michael Morpurgo Kensuke's Kingdom
Lloyd Moss Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin
Marissa Moss Amelia Goes to Space
Ibtijhaj Muhammad The Proudest Blue
Brandon Mull Titan's Curse
Mary Pat Mullaney Shaking The Money Tree
Penn Mullin Gold Rush Fever
Penn Mullin The River and the Trace
Robert Munsch Ribbon Rescue
Robert Munsch Love You Forever
Salvatore Murdocca Double Trouble in Walla Walla
Bill Myer My Life as Crocodile Junk Food
Anna Myers Captain's Command
Laurie Myers Lewis and Clark and Me
Walter Dean Myers The Journal of Scott Pendleton Collins: A WWII Soldier
Walter Dean Myers Fallen Angels
Walter Dean Myers The Journal of Joshua Loper
Walter Dean Myers The Journal of Joshus Loper
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