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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


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Grade of reviewers:  k-1  2-3  4-5  6-9 

All Titles

Ian Falconer Olivia
Keith Faulkner Funny Farm
Jules Feiffer I Lost My Bear
Jules Feiffer I Lost My Bear
Jules Feiffer I Lost My Bear
Jules Feiffer Bark, George
Acton Figueroa I Am Spider-Man
Roberto Fino Video Game
Marjorie Flack Ping
Marjorie Flack Ask Mr. Bear
Denise Fleming Alphabet under Construction
Denise Fleming In the Small, Small Pond
Scott Foresman authors Go Away, Spot from Read with Dick and Jane
Allan Fowler The Earth is Mostly Ocean
Allan Fowler Horses, Horses, Horses
Mem Fox Hattie and the Fox
Mem Fox Hattie and the Fox
Mem Fox Hattie and the Fox
Mem Fox Whoever You Are
Mem Fox Shoes From Grandpa
Mem Fox Tough Boris
Mem Fox Hattie and the Fox
Mem Fox Night Noises
Mem Fox Koala Lou
Mem Fox Hattie and the Fox
Mem Fox Shoes From Grandpa
Mem Fox Koala Lou
Mem Fox Harriet, You'll Drive Me Wild!
Mem Fox Sophie
Mem Fox Possum Magic
Mem Fox Koala Lou
Betsy Franco Fresh Fall Leaves
Debra Frasier On the Day You Were Born
Don Freeman A Pocket for Corduroy
Don Freeman Corduroy
Don Freeman Corduroy
Don Freeman Corduroy
Don Freeman A Pocket for Corduroy
Don Freeman Polar Bear, Polar Bear What do You Hear?
Don Freeman A Pocket for Corduroy
Don Freeman Polar Bear, Polar Bear What do You Hear?
Don Freeman Polar Bear, Polar Bear What do You Hear?
Don Freeman Polar Bear, Polar Bear What do You Hear?
Don Freeman Polar Bear, Polar Bear What do You Hear?
Don Freeman Polar Bear, Polar Bear What do You Hear?
Don Freeman Polar Bear, Polar Bear What do You Hear?
Don Freeman Polar Bear, Polar Bear What do You Hear?
Don Freeman Corduroy
Don Freeman Polar Bear, Polar Bear What do You Hear?
Don Freeman Corduroy
Don Freeman Corduroy
Don Freeman Rainbow of My Own
Don Freeman Polar Bear, Polar Bear What do You Hear?
Don Freeman Polar Bear, Polar Bear What do You Hear?
Don Freeman Corduroy
Don Freeman A Pocket for Corduroy
Mary Fried The Farm
Judith Fringueello The Christmas Mouse
Judith Fringuello Tales of the Christmas mouse
Lori Froeb Trucks at Work
Mary J. Fulton 101 Dalmations