A-Z Mysteries The Falcon's Feathers
Written by Ron Roy
Illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Reviewed by Chloe W. (age 8)

The Falcon’s Feathers was an awesome book. Josh found a nest of peregrine falcons one day. But one day Josh wanted to show Dink and Ruth the nest but it was empty! Only feathers were left in the nest. Later, they found a falcon and its wing feathers were trimmed. They called the falcon, Flash. The three friends figured out who stole the falcons and why. If you want to know how they solved the mystery go and read the book!
I think The Falcon’s Feathers was a great book. I really liked it. First, Dink thought Grace Lockwood wasn’t the Falcon stealer but later on he thinks Grace was the stealer. Second, this book is in a series called, A to Z Mysteries. It is different because each book has a different mystery but the same main characters. Third, there was a strong red herring. I was fooled by the red herring. Will you be too? The Falcon’s Feathers was super great!
I recommend The Falcon’s Feathers because it’s exciting. It solves all the mysteries in the end. Kids who like exciting mysteries would like this book. The book has falcons, a lot of Falcons. It has a lot of good illustrations. Go read this book as soon as possible.