One Zillion Valentines
Written by Frank Modell
Reviewed by J.S. (age 5)
Marvin wanted to make some cards for Valentine's Day. He got paints and colored pencils and papers and they made hearts. They made tall hearts and skinny hearts. Then they delivered them to everybody in the whole wide world. Everybody was happy. There were some left. They wrote "Valentines for Sale". Everybody bought them. He bought a valentine for his friend. He had chocolate inside. They ate it.
I liked the book because it had valentines inside. My favorite part was when they made hearts. I liked the pictures because they wre funny especially when they made the hearts.
I think other kids would like it. My cousin has this book and he likes it because he reads it everyday at his home. I think everybody would like it.
(This review was dictated to Mrs. Kuechle.)