Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew: Circus Scare
Written by Carolyn Keene
Illustrated by Macky Pamintuan
Reviewed by Daniela H. (age 8)

Have you ever solved a mystery? Nancy Drew and The Clue Crew: Circus Scare by Carolyn Keene is a mysterious book you do not want to miss. First, the three girls enter a contest for kids and they need to go to the circus every night. But, they find out that their friend is hosting her own circus. They try to find clues to discover why Deirdre is having her own circus. Next, they find a mysterious boy talking to Deirdre that they have never seen before. In the end, they find out who wins the contest and they become friends with the mystery boy. As you can see, Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew: Circus Scare by Carolyn Keene is an amazing book you can’t stop reading.
In my opinion, Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew: Circus Scare by Carolyn Keene is a mysterious book and when you start reading you just can’t stop! One reason is the book has more than one mystery. There are about four mysteries but my favorite is discovering who stole the circus supplies. In addition, it is so suspenseful. For example, when Nancy got to the circus one night, Bess and George wrote their names on the stubs. Then they dropped their tickets into the big metal box at the entrance of the tent hoping to win. Lastly, I love that the book gives me so many questions. For instance, why does Deirdre have a circus when another circus is in town at the same time? As you can see, Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew: Circus Scare by Carolyn Keene is an amazing book filled with mystery.
If you like books filled with mysteries this is the perfect book for you. Do you like the circus? I give this book five stars because this book has the best mysteries and the sentences make you feel like you’re in the book. I recommend this book for 2nd graders and 3rd graders because the characters are third graders. I am not “clowning” around when I say Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew: Circus Scare by Carolyn Keene is worth reading.