1 Ghost

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


Written by Raina Telgemeier

Illustrated by Raina Telgemeier

Reviewed by Gwendolyn G. (age 7)


My book is Ghost by Raina Telgemeier. It is a graphic novel. The characters are Maya, the boy and Maya's older sister. The book is all about the new neighbor, the boy, asking the girls to go on a ghost tour and the older sister says no. Then Maya begs her sister to go and she says fine.

This book is scary and surprising and a lot of drama and sadness. If you like all of that, you will love the book Ghost.

In one part of the book, it is scary when Maya goes with the boy to the mountain place where the ghosts are. The boy said hold this drink, the ghost will like you then. But when the ghost came, they loved her but she dropped the drink and then the ghosts were mad. They made Maya not able to breathe. She went to the hospital and she almost died! This was a part with a lot of drama and sadness.

In another part of the book, when Maya couldn't go trick or treating because she was too young, that surprised me. When the older sister went trick or treating, she took her candy out and let Maya have some, but Maya ate all of it. This also surprised, but I was happy that the sister wasn't mad.

I also like that at the end, to celebrate Halloween, they had a huge party and the ghost and all the ghost's ancestors were there. I was surprised that the ghost came.

So if you want to know what happened, you have to run out and buy it! This book is good for ages 7 and up.