Eddie Red Undercover
Written by Marcia Wells
Reviewed by Samantha K. (age 8)

“Watch out for the Picasso Gang!” Come join Eddie Red on a dangerous assignment to find and capture a group of bad guys called The Picasso Gang in the book Eddie Red Undercover: Mystery On Museum Mile by Marcia Wells.
To begin with, this story is about a boy named Edmund Lonnrot who gets an assignment from the police department to find and capture a The Picasso Gang. (Edmund gets an undercover name, Eddie Red.) He was bad at being a detective at first because he kept laughing and he didn’t know how to be undercover. Then, he started getting better because he finally got help from a real detective. This was after a bad character (the green-eyed lady) tied him to a pole! Eventually, the green-eyed lady was gone and Eddie was able to find the Picasso Gang.
Moving on, my favorite part was when Eddie said, “He eyes me for a moment, his fuzzy mustache twitching like an irritated caterpillar.” This is my favorite part because it was really funny. I think this book is a really good book because I like mysteries. I was excited to find out what happened and how Eddie would solve it. As I was reading, I was feeling scared for Eddie. I felt this way because when he was tied to the pole, he was in a dangerous alley with wild alley cats.
In conclusion, I recommend this book to kids ages 8 and up because it has some things for older kids only! I also recommend this book for people who like mysteries. This is a mystery you will enjoy!