All Four Stars
Written by Tara Daiman
Reviewed by Haylee V. (age 9)

Let's cook together with Gladys! You will enjoy reading about her in All Four Stars by Tara Dairman.
Gladys was a girl who loved to cook. But one day, she caught the kitchen on fire. When her parents learned of the fire she was banned from the kitchen for six months. The next day at school her assignment was to write about "what you want to do when you grow up?" After school, Gladys looked at a list of what you can't do and what you can do. Since cooking was on the can't do side, she started writing her assignment. She wrote…and she wrote...and she wrote...and after what seemed like forever, she finally finished. The assignment was a contest and a prize was to be published in the newspaper. All Gladys wanted was to be the winner of this writing assignment!
There were many great events in this story. My favorite part of the book though was when the paper reporter asked Gladys to come to Classy Cakes and write a review. The paper’s regular critic was hurt. I liked this part because I was happy for her. A funny part was when she snuck into Classy Cakes and tasted their desserts. I couldn’t believe that she did that! The next day her parents let her cook again. Gladys was then able to write her review which was published in the paper. Gladys reminds me of myself. Her and I both get excited about things we like.
To sum this book up, I recommend this book to girls 8 years old or older who want to follow their dreams!!! Go and find this book right away!