On Time
Written by Stan & Jan Berenstain
Reviewed by Hannah J. (age 7)

Tick, tock goes the clock. This book is about Sister and Brother Bear and about telling time, too.
Brother and Sister Bear were still asleep when the bus was almost to their house.
Then the bus was at their house and they rushed to the bus. I think that "On Time" is good because it tells you about time. I love the book because the bears woke up on time. I love the book because the clock woke them up. I love the book because when they were like, “Oh no,” it was funny. I love it because when the bears woke up their expressions were funny. I love the book because then they went to catch the bus they had to rush. I love the book when the Mother Bear said, “Get up!”
I think you should read this book because it is really funny.
I would rate the book "On Time" with five stars because it’s funny when they were freaked out by their mom. I recommend this book to my dad because it tells you time and every minute because my dad is on time for work.
If you go to the library you should definitely get this book!