Valentine's Day from the Black Lagoon (Black Lagoon Adventures)
Written by Mike Thaler
Illustrated by Jared D. Lee
Reviewed by Lucy G. (age 12)

This book is about Valentine’s Day. Everyone had to make a card for Valentine’s Day. This book is about a girl and a boy preparing for Valentine’s Day. They have fun preparing for Valentine’s Day. The boy, Hubie, made a card. He wanted to paint it green and blue. He also wanted to draw a star instead of a heart, but he couldn’t. His art teacher told him that the heart he draws must be red or pink, and it needs to be heart shaped. Then a new girl came to his class. He thought she was beautiful and he fell in love. One day she talked to another boy. That made Hubie angry. He didn’t sit with her or talk with her. He wanted to give her lesson. At last the girl gave Hubie a Valentine’s Day card and it made Hubie happy.
I think this this book is really fun. It uses a writing style for kids. Hubie’s classmates are funny, and the pictures they draw from their imaginations are interesting. I really like this book because not only is the story good, but is also makes people laugh. The pictures are fun and very detailed. An important lesson from this book is, “if you make a good friend, treat them nicely so you can continue to be friends.” I really like this book because it makes people laugh and feel happy.
I recommend this book to everybody, students and adults. Everybody can read it because it can make anybody happy! The book has fun pictures and a fun story. If you feel angry or sad, I think reading this book will make you happy. I don’t want to say too much. I just want to say, “This a really good book!”