An Extraordinary Egg
Written by Leo Lionni
Illustrated by Leo Lionne
Reviewed by Joslyn C. (age 7)

This is about three frogs and an egg. The frog's names are Marilyn, August, and Jessica. Jessica is always wandering off and finding things that she would call 'extraordinary'. But, mostly they are things like rocks and pebbles. One day Jessica went to look around and found an egg. The frog thinks that it is a chicken egg. The egg hatches and the frogs think it's a chicken when it's really an alligator! To see what happens next, read "The Extraordinary Egg".
I liked this book because it's funny. In my opinion this book is great because this is a fiction book and I like to read fiction books. An Extraordinary Egg is a super book because I like the animals in the book. This book was surprising because one day a bird popped up out of nowhere.
An Extraordinary Egg is a fiction book and I think other kids would like it because it's a fiction book. I think kids would like the animals in the story. An Extraordinary Egg is an interesting book. I think this book would be good for kids 5 to 8 years old because it has cute animals in it.