Eat My Dust! Henry Ford's First Race
Written by Monica Kullings
Illustrated by Richard Walz
Reviewed by Gina D. (age 8)

Eat My Dust is a very good book. It’s time for YOU to pick your favorite spot to read. This is going to be a great race. Henry Ford likes to drive. But will he win the big race???!!!
I think you should read this book. It will leave you with a few jaw-dropping moments! This book reminded me of a time when my dad made me a small wooden car. In order to go faster you pushed in the steering wheel, you pulled it out to go slower. The illustrations made me wonder how they made the pictures so realistic. I recommend you to read this book.
I would recommend Eat My Dust to kids who like to read historical fiction books. This book gives us some facts about Henry Ford who was a famous automaker. This is a good book for kids who are in kindergarten to fourth grade. There are 48 pages to read. If I were you, I would get your fire roller skates and zoom to the nearest library to check this book out.