Robert and the Instant Millionaire Show
Written by Barbara Seuling
Illustrated by Paul Brewer
Reviewed by Nima S (age 8)

In the story Robert and the Instant Millionaire Show I met Robert. Robert reads a book called Weird and Wacky Facts. Robert wants the Weird and Wacky Facts # 11 book because he doesn’t have that book yet. Robert’s friend Lester lets him borrow the book and he studies all of the facts in the books. Robert was watching TV when the phone rings. It was the Instant Millionaire Show. Robert really wants to win a million dollars. Robert remembers all the facts from his Weird and Wacky Facts Books so he thinks he can win. They said Robert had to be an adult to enter, so Robert made a card and put his teachers name on it. Will Roberts plan work? Read the book to find out.
I think my favorite part in the book is when Robert made a bridge for his project for school. The bridge was supposed to fall. But the bridge didn’t fall and a fan tried to knock it down. I think the illustrations are really drawn well because the drawings were neat like the cover picture of one million dollars. I feel that the Instant Millionaire Show reminds me of the show called are Smarter than a Fifth Grader because both shows have a buzzer and you can get support from your teammates too.
I recommend the book Robert and the Instant Millionaire Show because Robert learns a lesson in the book. I think a person with a goal to accomplish should read this book. I think that the person who reads this book might learn that it’s always important to follow your dreams even if it doesn’t turns out the way you hoped it would.