Ella Sarah Gets Dressed
Written by Margaret Chodos-Irvine
Illustrated by Margaret Chodos-Irvine
Reviewed by Kaylee B. (age 7)

Ella Sarah is a little girl with a mind of her own. The story starts in the morning when she is looking for an outfit to wear. She wants to wear her pink polka-dot pants, her dress with the orange-and-green flowers, her purple-blue striped socks, her yellow shoes, and red hat. Her mother wanted her to a blue dress with white scandals, but Ella Sarah did not want to weat that dress. Her father suggested that she wears her yellow T-shirt, white shorts and tennis shoes. Ella Sarah did not want to wear that either. Ella Sarah's big sister told her she should wear her overalls and boots, but Ella Sarah insisted that she wear the ourfit of her choice. Ella Sarah put on her pink-polka dot pants, her dress with the orange-and-green flowers, her blue and purple striped socks, her yellow shoes, and red hat. Ella Sarah loved the way she looked. Then the doorbell rang. Three of her friends were standing there dressed in the same style as Ella Sarah. They had a great time playing that day.
I think Ella Sarah looked cool. She got to wear the outfit she wanted. I wish my mother would let me wear what I wanted to wear everyday. This book is fun to read. It had great pictures, and the colors were nice and bright.
I know other kids will like to read this book. It has won a Caldecott Honor.