I Love You with All My Heart
Written by Noris Kern
Illustrated by Noris Kern
Reviewed by Brian V. (age 6)

The story that we read, I love You with All My Heart, is about a polar bear that wanted to know how other mothers love their babies by asking them questions. It also was about how the mother polar bear loved her baby.
My favorite part is when the baby polar bear asked the seal, “how does your mom love you?” because she has to take care of the seal, so nothing will happen to him. The picture that I liked the most is when the mama polar bear hugged the baby bear, it was beautiful and it reminded me when my mom hugs me every time I have an accident.
I would like my mom, my uncles, my grandpa, and my father to read this book because it is beautiful and has pictures that describe how each mom loves her baby, like the seal, the penguin, and the polar bear.
(This book review was dictated in Spanish-teacher translated it.)