Judy Moody Around the World in 8 1/2 Days
Written by Megan McDonald
Reviewed by Ashleigh T. (age 8)

Do you like comedy? If you do I have the perfect book for you! Judy Moody, yep that’s the name. Judy Moody used to have the best time with her friends, Frank and Rocky. A girl called Amy Namey comes to invite Judy Moody to a club called My-Name-Is-A-Poem. One day all of 3rd grade were going to do a project. Rocky, Frank and Jessica were with Judy Moody. One day Judy went to Amy Namey's house. That was the day when they had to practice a dance called the Tarantula. She forgot all about the dance. Rocky and Frank didn’t want to be friends anymore because they thought Amy and Judy were better friends than them. I wonder if they will forgive Judy. I think the writer’s lesson is don’t judge a person if you don’t know anything about them.
I really liked Judy Moody because it was funny. Wait, it was HILARIOUS!! I wonder what will happen when Judy does the Tarantula. My favorite character is Stink. Stink is Judy Moody’s little brother and he’s funny because he always has questions for Judy Moody. My favorite part is when Judy Moody danced the Tarantula because it was funny! Judy Moody made me think what it would be like to have a little brother like Stink. Judy Moody is a very fun book to read.
I recommend this book for 3rd grade to 4th grade. You would like this book because it is funny! Once you start reading this book you just can’t STOP!! You just want to know what happens next. I think it’s a really good book and it is a picture book!