E Is For Elisa
Written by Johan Hurwitz
Illustrated by Lillian Hoban
Reviewed by Mindy W (age 9)

Have you ever read E Is for Elisa? Well if you haven't than you should read it. The book that I read is E is For Elisa by Johanna Hurwitz. I think the book is realistic fiction. The characters are Russel, Elisa, mom, and dad. Russel is mean to Elisa when she cries. Elisa cries a lot when she gets hurt or doesn't get her way. The setting is in Elisa's apartment and sometimes outside. Sometimes it's snowy sometimes it's not. Elisa is a girl who has a brother named Russel. Russel always makes fun of Elisa when she cries. Elisa wants to show Russel she is not a crybaby. So she jumped off of a dresser and broke her arm. Elisa started to cry and Russel started to laugh at her. So they went and got a cast.
My favorite character is Elisa. She reminds me of my friend Novelie, because she cries a lot. There is an important lesson in this book. It is to wait until you are older to do big things, or you might get hurt. It is ok to be little. I also liked how the author used different ways to say, "said". For example he used "explained" and "cried" in the book in place of "said."
I would recommend this book for a fourth grader or third grader, because it is a chapter book. So come along and read E is for Elisa.