1 Class President

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Class President

Written by Johanna Hurwitz

Reviewed by B.K. (age 9)

Class President

Julio Sanchaz went to school. It was the first day of fifth grade. When he got there, his teacher was a man! Mr. Flores, their teacher, said that they would have a class election! Julio's best friend Lucas and the smartest girl in class were going to run. Later, it was recess. Some kids were playing soccer. When they were playing soccer, Arthur broke his glasses! Julio and the other kids decided that they should have a bake sale to pay for Arthur's glasses. At the bake sale, they made some money. One week later, Mr. Flores said that it was time for the class election! Lucas didn't want to run. Instead, he wanted Julio to run. Who is going to win, Julio or the smartest girl in class?

I felt excited as I read this book. I felt excited as I read this book because Lucas didn't want to run! Also, I felt excited reading this book because at the end, you don't know who is going to win! My last reason why I felt excited is when Julio and the smartest girl in class were going to run. I wish I could read that part again because it was really exciting!

This book is very unique. This book is very unique because when Julio came to school, his teacher was a man. Julio never had a male teacher before! Another reason why this book is very unique is because their class is going to have an election and the students never had an election before. This book is also unique because the kids had a bake sale to pay for Arthur's glasses. This book is unique to a young reader when it is read.

This book was really fun. This book was really fun because when the kids were playing soccer, Arthur broke his glasses! Another reason why this book was fun is because the kids made some money at the bake sale. This book was also fun because Julio and the smartest girl in class were going to run for class President. I think this book is fun to read!

I recommend this book to others. I recommend this book to kids who like funny books. Also, I recommend this book to kids who like exciting books. This book will be really exciting to kids who like elections. Class Election is a great book to read if you like to get excited when reading!