I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato
Written by Lauren Child
Illustrated by Lauren Child
Reviewed by Puyun T. (age 8)

Charlie has a little sister named Lola. Sometimes Charlie has to give Lola dinner. She doesn't eat much because she is a very fussy eater. Lola won't eat her vegetables so Charlie helps her imagine that her vegetables are something else so that she will eat them. It works and Lola finally finishes her dinner.
My favorite part of the story is when Charlie made Lola eat green peas even though she said she didn't like them. Charlie said the peas were green drops from Greenland that fell from the sky. Lola tried them and liked them. This story reminds me of myself because I am a fussy eater too. I really like the pictures in this book because they are funny.
I think others should read this story because it teaches you to eat your vegetables and to be healthy and strong.