We Eat Dinner in the Bathtub
Written by Angela Shelf Medearis
Illustrated by Jacqeline Rogers
Reviewed by Josh R. (age 7)

This book is about what would happen if you ate dinner in the bathtub and slept in the dining room. Josh eats in the dining room but Harris eats in the bathtub. Josh's life is like the real world but Harris' life is like fantasy, because nobody eats dinner in the bathtub! Josh and Harris learn about each other's families. They are different but they like each other. Mostly it's about a family that's different from other families. They do things differently than other families. The point is that different families can be fun even though they do things not the same way.
I like the book. I thought the story was funny. The book makes me feel happy. The writers style was so funny. The pictures were cool. The illustrator drew a picture of the people that are talking at that point. My favorite part of the book was when I heard that Harris ate dinner in the bathtub. It made me think about what would happen if you ate dinner in the bathtub. Harris was very interesting! The point is that you can learn stuff from other families.
I think you should read this book because it's fun and you can learn stuff from it. You can learn what would happen if you ate dinner in the bathtub. You can learn lots of stuff from other families. If people read this book they would be nice to each other even though they are different.