Welcome to the Ice House
Written by Jane Yolen
Illustrated by Laura Regan
Reviewed by ErinS. (age 7)

WELCOME TO THE ICE HOUSE is a great book! It has all of the Artic animals in it. The illustrator, Laura Regan, has the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen. All of the animals are cool! You should read this book. My favorite part was when the moose is on the loose.
We have read two other books by this author and, they all have beautiful illustrations in them. The pictures look as if you are really in the places they are talking about. The other books take place on the dsert and in the rain forest. Also I liked it because the words rhyme and sound good together.
I recommend the book. This book has realy good pictures. People who like to draw would like to read this book because it would give them some new ideas to draw.