Finding Buck McHenry
Written by Alfred Slote
Reviewed by Josh S. (age 10)

This book is about a boy named Jason Ross. He just got kicked off his baseball team. The book starts by finding Buck McHenry?s (a Negro league ball player) baseball card. He reads the back and finds out that he is a school custodian in Michigan, where Jason lives! Jason also finds a new friend in Buck McHenry?s grandson. Jason learns friendship, baseball and more about Buck McHenry. Look for the answers to these questions in the book: Why did he become a custodian? Would Jason be on a team? You will find out if you read this book.
I like this book by Alfred Slote, FINDING BUCK MCHENRY, because he writes a heart-warming story bringing people together. It has a lot of ideas for stories you could write. My favorite part of the book is when Jason meets Buck McHenry, because this is where the story starts to take off. The other reason why I chose this book as one of my favorites was because it has a lot of description, so I could really visualize the story. This is a wonderful story about friendship, which in my opinion, makes it the best to read.
I recommend this book, because it has emotions you to learn deal with that are important in life. This is the best thing to read for fifth and sixth grade because it has 215 pages and in-depth ideas. This is a book that you should read. I hope you enjoy.