Anastasia at Your Service
Written by Lois Lowry
Reviewed by Shae D. (age 10)

Anastasia at Your Service! The book that I read was Anastasia at Your Service. It was about a girl named Anastasia, of course. Anastasia wanted something very badly, but her parents said that from now on when she wanted something, she had to earn it. Anastasia decided that she would get a job as a companion for a rich, old lady. When she finally got the job, the lady made her work as a maid. Anastasia had no idea that she was going to be a maid. On Anastasia's first day, everything went wrong. She broke a very expensive spoon, and had to work until she paid it off. Of course, she was very mad at Mrs. Bellingham (the person Anastasia worked for). She then planned to crash one of Mrs. Bellingham's parties. Everything went wrong and Mrs. Bellingham found out. To find out what happened next, read this book!
One thing that was very unique about this book is that Anastasia never complained. She just kept going. Anastasia reminds me of one of my friends because she just never gives up on anything. I really admire her for that. As I read this book, it made me feel like I was really a part of the story, and I could just see it taking place. In this book, Mrs. Bellingham was so mean to Anastasia. She treated her like Cinderella. I began to wonder if Mrs. Bellingham would ever be nice to Anastasia.
I recommend this book because I think it really teaches about why you should treat everyone the way you want to be treated. I think you would like this book if you like other books by Lois Lowry. She writes funny books. Every book that I read by her is very funny. This story might interest you if you like fiction books or chapter books. If you like books that make you feel like you are part of the book, I think you'll really enjoy this one!