I Like Myself!
Written by Karen Beaumont
Illustrated by David Catrow
Reviewed by Shane & Chelsea (age 6)

I Like Myself is about a little girl who really likes herself. She likes her eyes, ears, nose, fingers and toes. She likes herself when she is wild or tame. She is fast or she can be very slow. She likes herself everywhere she goes!
The main idea is is that it is ok to act silly or crazy, but to never do anything that is unsafe. Also, everyone should like who they are. We think this book is very good. It makes us feel happy. Our favorite character is the girl who likes herself so much. It reminds Shane of his mother, because she really likes herself. Our favorite part of the book is when the girl is at the zoo with the lion. She is silly and the lion is crying.
This book is a good book to read if you do not like yourself, because it teaches you how to like yourself. Everyone should read it.