Military Planes: Flying Machines
Written by Kelly Baysura
Illustrated by Kelly Baysura
Reviewed by Eiji R. (age 8)

The book Military Planes is about when the first war planes were made. In World War 1, the observer who sat in the back of the plane had to watch for enemy planes. Some planes had only one seat and others had two. There were many different kinds of war planes. The planes had weapons on the bottom. The planes traveled in teams and had different jobs.
I liked this discovery book because you get to learn about new things. I'd like to be a military pilot after reading this book. The book has some really cool pictures of all different kinds of fighter planes. It was fun to see all of the different planes used in wars. It was also neat to learn about how the planes flew in different formations and had different roles. Some planes fired weapons and others protected the fighter planes.
I think other kids that like military planes would like this book. It is interesting if you like learning about planes.