Thank You, Mr. Falker
Written by Patricia Polacco
Illustrated by Patricia Polacco
Reviewed by Jules S. (age 8), Jacky Y. (age 9) & Cherif O. (age 9)

Do you know who the most awesome and respectful teacher is? It's Mr. Falker! Mr. Falker helped Patricia with reading and math. This book is about a girl named Patricia who had trouble in reading, writing and math. Patricia lived in Union City, Michigan on her Grandma's and Grandpa' s farm. In first grade, Patricia was pretending to be able to read but she was really having trouble! When her mother got a job in California Patricia moved to a new school. She thought it would be better but it wasn't. Patricia still had difficulty, and people still teased her. Mr. Falker taught fifth grade and taught her how to read, write and do math. From then on Patricia felt smart and she gained a lot of knowledge. Patricia ran home and poured honey on the book, which was a family tradition that her Grandpa started. Honey is sweet like knowledge! Mr. Falker cared for Patricia and he made her feel special by paying attention to her, being kind to her and helping her.
In our opinion, the book is good because it teaches a lesson that not all people learn in the same way but that they can still be smart and talented. It was also very interesting when Mr. Falker helped Patricia understand her work. It reminds us of the time when our teacher helped us with multiplication and division. The illustrations were also very nice and colorful.
We recommend this book to kids who like the author, Patricia Polacco. She writes books about her family. If you want to read another good book that she wrote, you can read Babushka's Doll!
We also recommend this book to adults and children who have had the same feelings as Patricia Polacco because it might make them feel better.