The Girl Who Hated Books
Written by Manjusha Pawagi
Illustrated by Leanne Franson
Reviewed by Jamie L. (age 8) & Duval M. (age 8)

This book is about a girl who hated books. Her name is Meena. There are books all over her house! Her parents read and read and READ! But Meena always said, "...I HATE BOOKS!" One day Meena called for her cat, Max. He didn't come, so she went to look for him. He was on a tower of books, so she started climbing up. At first, it was easy like climbing stairs, but when she came to the paper back, she slipped and fell... Will Meena be all right? Will Meena read a book? Read this book and see!
We liked the characters Meena and Max because Duval used to hate reading and Jamie used to hate reading too! Jamie has a Max in her class and there is a Max in Jamie's building and he hates books! Jamie felt kind of silly when she read the book because she knew it could never happen. Duval felt as if this was the first book she ever read. The book reminded Jamie of the time she used to hate books. It also reminded her of when she read the very first book that she liked. It reminded Duval of when she first read a book. Now they both like to read just like Meena!
We recommend this book because we think it is silly and we know it could never happen. When you were little, if you hated books and reading, and now you like books, you might enjoy this one. If you also enjoy books that are fiction, you might like this one. We think you might like it...but of course we don't know.