Three Cheers for Tacky
Written by Helen Lester
Illustrated by Lynn Munsinger
Reviewed by Patrick D. (age 7) & Carmel E. (age 7)

A penguin named Tacky is very funny because he does not do stuff right. He reads books backwards and he doesn't do math right. When the penguins were old enough they went to school. The penguin's names were Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly, Perfect and Tacky. They saw a sign about a cheering contest. If they won, they would win shiny blue bow ties. They practiced and practiced their cheer all day long. Tacky could not get it right. Tacky could not get the right costume either. It was the day of the contest, who would win?
Patrick likes this book because it is funny and the illustrations make him laugh. His favorite part is when Tacky does his math wrong. Carmel likes the characters. Tacky is Patrick's favorite because he does not do stuff right. Carmel's favorite part is when Tacky messed up the cheer.
We recommend this book to kids who like funny penguins. We think this is a good book for first and second graders.