The Black Pearl
Written by Scott O'Dell
Illustrated by Milton Johnson
Reviewed by Marissa B. (age 10)

The book, The Black Pearl, is about a man named Senor Salazar and his son Ramon Salazar. Senor Salazar owns a pearling business where they go scuba diving for pearls. When Ramon goes to the lagoon on business, he ends up going after the pearls--against the advice of his business partner. The adventurous Ramon goes after the pearl, even though there are many dangers, especially the Manta Diabloa huge manta ray. To find what Ramon does with the pearl, read the book!
I think the book, The Black Pearl, was a great book! It was always full of action, every word. It was exciting, fun to read, and it kept you turning the pages.
The bad character in this story reminded me of a boy I know. He always thinks he's the best and can do everything on his own without any help, and he always wants to be the star of the show.
The story reminds me of times that people have tried to convince me not to do something because it's too hard or doesn't sound good, but when I do it, I get rewarded. And not with trophies, but with accomplishment.
I recommend this book for ages 8-12. A person who reads this book is a person who enjoys action, likes to read, and who can imagine being the person.