Charlie Anderson
Written by Barbara Abercrombie
Illustrated by Mark Graham
Reviewed by Jocelyn L. (age 9)
Charlie Anderson is about a cat that goes to a house at night and two girls live there with their mom. Their names are Elizabeth and Sarah. One day the girls have to go out of the city. The girls want to bring Charlie, the cat, but he is a country cat. Then one rainy night Charlie didn't came back. The next morning before school they go house to house searching for him. They spy Charlie at another house. The people say his name is Anderson. They call him Charlie Anderson. He has two houses, two families, and two beds, just like other kids.
The part that grabbed me about the book was when Charlie Anderson was found safely at another house. I was worried that Charlie was not going to make it home safely. The pictures were like real life. I like the book because I have a cat named Shadow and it is the same color as Charlie Anderson. My cat always goes in my backyard hunting crickets and other bugs.
You simply must read this book. I recommend this book for second grade and up. Check this book out from the library. It is full of love.