Cat Heaven
Written by Cynthia Rylant
Illustrated by Cynthia Rylant
Reviewed by Lazaro L. (age 9)

Cat Heaven is about a heaven for all cats including little kittens and homeless cats. Homeless cats get a home, owners, food, and love. The kittens that had houses get the same house, same owners, and the same love as they did when they were alive. The owners are angels with wings. Cat heaven is a beautiful place, which includes tall trees, butterflies, crickets, buttons, bubbles, small cotton mice, and catnip. Every single cat that goes to cat heaven gets to sleep on God?s bed. They run past the stars, the moon, and the sun to curl up with God in the sky.
I like this book because is funny. It?s the most wonderful book I have read in my entire life. The first time I found it in the library, I thought it was going to be a book I was born to read.
This book made me happy once I read it. It makes me think that I had a cat that died and went to cat heaven. Once you read it you?ll be thinking of your own cat. This is one that you?ll read because it is interesting.