How To Eat Fried Worms
Written by Thomas Rockwell
Illustrated by Emily McCully
Reviewed by Bret K. (age 9)

Tom bets he can eat 15 worms in 15 days. He thinks that it is an easy way to make 50 dollars. He has to eat the worms fried, boiled, or raw. His betting partners try all sorts of tricks to keep him from eating the worms. Tom's mother becomes worried that Tom will get sick. Does Tom get out of his bet or does he eat all 15 worms? Read the book to find out.
My favorite part was when Tom's mother finds out he's eating worms. She is upset and calls the doctors. She is afraid Tom will get sick.
I liked this book because Tom gets in trouble with his mom. Allen and Joe try to trick him all the time. Tom reminds me of my brother. He would make a bet like that. He does things like that all the time. He is always wanting me to bet with him on something stupid like eating worms.
The surprise for me in the story is that Tom eats all 15 worms. I just didn't think he would do that. I know I would never do that.
I recommend this book to anyone who likes worms. Third grade and up can read this book. Everyone should like worms.