Who Cloned the President?
Written by Ron Roy
Illustrated by Timothy Bush
Reviewed by Gianni Z. (age 8)

If you like mysteries you will like Who Cloned the President? KC knows a lot about President Thornton. When she sees him on T.V. she notices that he's signing a paper with his right hand, but she knows that he is left handed. KC and her friend Marshall think there is something wrong. They sneak into the White House to investigate. While they are trying to solve the mystery they get caught, but KC and Marshall are still able to get to the bottom of the case.
This is funny book. My favorite part is when Marshall throws the spiders in Lincoln's room because they need to get everyone out to look for clues. When a lady sees them she screams, "Spiders!" and people start running around and screaming like crazy. I also learned some things about the White House like there is a secret door behind the refrigerator in the kitchen. It was built by Teddy Roosevelt. He used it to leave the White House without being seen by the guards. I think that's pretty awesome!
I recommend this book to anyone who likes funny mysteries. It is good for kids in second, third and even fourth grade.