A Rainbow of Friends
Written by Lynn Hall
Illustrated by P.K. Hallinan
Reviewed by Nadia A. (age 8)

A rainbow of friends is about caring. It teaches you that it is fun to make new friends. Everyone has strength. Friends play as a team. Friends are the greatest. Offer a smile to people you meet and they might become your friend.
I like this book because I like making new friends. This book could take place any time. There are illustrations; they are nice because they are colorful. This book is special because making friends is a lot of work. I was happy when I read the story because it reminds me of my own friends.
I recommend this book to kids who like making friends. Kids up to fourth grade would like this book because they will be too old to read it after that. The author's writing style is that he tells you how to make friends. You might be interested if you like to have friends.