Snowed in with Grandmother Silk!
Written by Carol Fenner
Reviewed by P.O. (age 8)

Snowed in with Grandmother Silk teaches you a lesson. There was an adventurous boy named Ruddy. He doesn't get along with his Grandmother Silk. They don't get along because they don't have a lot in common. Sometimes Ruddy is mean to her because he yells at her. Also, Ruddy ignores her, and she gets very angry. Then one day Ruddy was nice to her, and he lent her things she needed. He treated her with respect, so they sat by the fireplace together. The next day they went to the zoo. You have to read this book to find out how they became friends.
I enjoyed reading this interesting and funny book. Grandmother silk is an interesting character. She always wears a furry coat even when it's hot outside. All she does is play computer games. This story reminds me of when it took me a long time to pick out my Halloween costume like Ruddy in the book. It took Ruddy and I three weeks to pick out our costumes. Also, I had the same costume as Ruddy. We were both gorillas. The illustrations in this book are great, too. They have beautiful colors in the pictures. The background really goes with the characters actions.
I recommend this book to children who enjoy learning lessons. If you like learning lessons from a book, this is the right book for you. The lessons you learn will never be forgotten.